Sunday 21 July 2013

Utility Value

i had no furniture in my dwelling.
after a very serious thought i went for purchasing a table and chair. the budget was around Rs.100 -
(Remember.. it was 1980)
road side vendors had displayed their articles.
i made calculations.
instead of buying a table and chair, i opted for a cot.it can also be used as a table. moreover, sleeping would be comfortable. i bargained and got it for Rs.100 - including home-delivery charges.
it was brought on a rickshaw all the way from Kancheepuram to Mamandur  covering a distance of 10 Kms.
We celebrated the possession.
For more than two decades i maintained that with regular coat of protective varnish.
due to transportation difficulties i gifted that cot to a friend
Calculating the utility value, that Rs100- is more than Rs.10,000- to day.

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